Meetings & Conferences

Meetings 2024

The steering committee is meeting once per month. Discussion meetings for actual questions are weekly on Wednesday Mornings.

Date Main Topics
17.04.2024 Third International Conference on Monitoring for Enhanced Hydropower Lifetime (> more information)


Meetings 2023

The steering committee is meeting once per month. Discussion meetings for actual questions are weekly on Wednesday Mornings.

Date Main Topics
13.07.2023 Meeting of Birgit Müller with Director Mebonia
27.03.2023 Meeting with Minister Romero and Levan Mebonia


Meetings 2022

The steering committee is meeting once per month. Discussion meetings for actual questions are weekly on Wednesday Mornings.  

Date Main Topics
15.09.2022 Conference on Monitoring for Enhanced High Dam Lifetime: Reliable Supply of water and electricity in times of Decarbonisation. (> more information)
Kick-off for DAMAST-Transfer in Tbilisi
14.09.2022 Conference: Dams in Armenia – State of the Art & Research Potential (> more information)
12.09.2022 Frank Schilling and Birgit Müller had been invited to the Residence of the German Ambassor
07.09.2022 Meeting with Director Joni Chania

DAMAST-Conference: Monitoring for Hydropower Lifetime.
Final Conference in Luisenthal

04.04.2022 DAMAST-Conference: Monitoring for Hydropower Lifetime.
Meeting with Engineer Aberle at Dam Site (Ohratalsperre Luisenthal)
28.03.2022 Meeting in Tbilisi with Ambassador Knirsch and Mrs. Zielonka, Referatsleiterin für Wirtschaft und Presse der Deutschen Botschaft in Georgien

Meeting of Thomas Röckel, Birgit Müller and Lukas Müller with Director Mebonia in his office. Discussion of

• actual field work,

• plans of KIT-engineers to further monitor the dam and the sediment flow and redistribution and

• accessibility of shallow wells around the dam for team Melikadze from TSU


21.01.2022 DAMAST Workshop with presentations of all disciplines, general discussion

Meetings 2021

The steering committee is meeting once per month. Discussion meetings for actual questions are weekly on Wednesday Mornings.  

Date Main Topics
08.12.2021 December  8 Georgia, Enguri Directors Building, meeting with Director Chania
07.12.2021 Georgia, Hotel Enguri, meeting with Director Mebonia and Professor Kalabegishvili
15.11.2021 Joint meeting of SWANRISK and DAMAST projects
11.09.2021 Video conference with TSU: Irma Grdzelidze, Irina Gamkrelidze, Irakli Samkharadze, Murman Margvelashvili, Nino Okribelashvili (Vice Rector),  Stefan Hinz (KIT-IPF) on Horizon Europe proposal
08.09.2021 Video conference with TSU: N. Okribelasvili, Irma Grdzelidze (Head of Quality Assurance Service), Tamar Tchelidze (Prof. Physics), Nino Kmeridze (Prof. Germanistik), Irina Gamkrelidze (foreign relation officer) for SDG proposal
07.09.2021 Meeting with Directors Mebonia and Chania to establish drill core archive
03.09.2021 Meeting with representatives from GTU and TSU administration and faculties to discuss DAAD Sustainable Development Goal Partnership proposal and Horizon Europe Teaming proposal
08.07.2021 Video-Konferenz mit Geotechnik Aberle bzgl. gemeinsamer Veröffentlichungen
07.07.2021 Video-Konferenz: Interner Workshop „Daten und Konzept Frühwarnsystem“
01.07.2021 Video-Konferenz Forschungsinfrastruktur im Kaukasus
29.06.2021 Meeting Natia Turnava (Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia) und Deputy Minister David Tvalabeishvili
29.06.2021 Meeting Prof. Tamaz Chelidze (Tiflis State University)
29.06.2021 Meeting Mr. David Mirtskhulava (GNCOLD)
28.06.2021 Invitation to  Georgian Technical University with Rector Gurgenidze and Dean Gvishiani
28.06.2021 Meeting Ambassador Hubert Knirsch
16.06.2021 Video-Konferenz  mit Vizepräsident Internationales Hirth
29.04.2021 Online-Meeting Zentralasien 29.04.2021, 10.00–12.00 Uhr – Zoom. Projektbüro Zentalasien CASIB
27.04.2021 Meeting with Dean Gvishiani from GTU. Tiflis
27.04.2021 Meeting with the geologists of TSU. Tiflis
27.04.2021 Meeting with Ambassador Knirsch. Tiflis
23.04.2021 Meeting with Director Chania and Director Mebonia from Engurhesi and with ten representatives from Energony to discuss dam rehabilitation and first results of power tunnel analysis
22.03.2021 Inspection of powerhouse and meeting with Director Mebonia
20.03.2021 Meeting with R. Christakis and other representatives from Tractebel at Khokko landslide area
17.03.2021 Video meeting with representatives of Energony
13.03.2021 Meeting with Bernd Aberle from Energony to discuss visit of the power tunnel

Meeting with Director Chania in his office, getting permissions to work all around the area

24.02.2021 Sediment investigation and status of sediment flushing
23.02.2021 Meeting with Director Mebonia
10.02.2021 Installation of Temperature Sensors, Piezometers, Geodetic measurements of well heights
03.02.2021 Status of Power Tunnel Rehabilitation Works


12. November 2021: Presentations on  AGIS workshop on induced seismicity
  • Current Status of DAMAST Project – a brief overview
    Birgit Müller(1), Thomas Niederhuber(1), Frank Schilling(1), Stefan Hinz(1), Stephan Hilgert(1), Andreas Kron(1), Hansjörg Kutterer(1), Sadeep Ottenburger(1), Andreas Rietbrock(1), Andreas Schenk(1), Malte Westerhaus(1),
    Thomas Röckel(2),
    George Melikadze(3), Nino Tsereteli(3), David Svanadze(3), Tamaz Chelidze(3),
    Marian Kalabegishvili(4) 
    1 KIT, 2 Piewak & Partner, 3 Tiflis State University, 4 Georgian Technical University
  • Monitoring induced seismicity at Enguri Dam
    Georgia Andreas Rietbrock(1), Nasim Karamzadeh(1), Michael Frietsch(1)
    Emmanuel Gaucher(2),
    Nino Tsereteli(3), Nazi Tughushi(3), Tamar Shubladze(3), Lasha Ghudushauri(3)
    1 Geophysical Institute, KIT, Karlsruhe, 2 Institute of Applied Geosciences, KIT, Karlsruhe, 3 Institute of Geophysics, I. Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
28. October 2021
CLIENT II Conference 2021 presentation of DAMAST  in project presentation session 4: Land management & Natural hazards
27. October 2021
CLIENT II Conference 2021 – Regional Exchange Asia Impulse presentation about DAMAST
26. November 2020
Presentation at AGIS (Arbeitsgruppe Induzierte Seismizität der FKPE) Meeting entitled: Forschung zur induzierten Seisimizität am Enguri-Staudamm.
22. October 2020
Thomas Röckel, Birgit Müller: Project Presentation for German Ambassador Hubert Knirsch, Tiflis


October 2019 – January 2020

8-10 October 2019, NATO Advanced Research Workshop G5566, Tbilisi (Georgia)
B. Müller(1), T. Niederhuber(1) Poroelastic contributions to induced seismicity- underground pressure management


Kick-Off Meeting LETO, 15 October 2019
B. Müller(1), F. Schilling(1) DAMAST - Motivation, Project Goals, Structure and Management
T. Chelidze(11,13) Overview on previous and current Monitoring at Enguri
A. Rietbrock(14), E. Gaucher(1) Seismic Monitoring
S. Hinz(4), R. Zorn(6) Local Dam deformation Monitoring
M. Westerhaus(5) Regional deformation Monitoring
F. Nestmann(8), A. Kron(9) Sedimentation of large Reservoirs
S. Hilgert(9) Sediment load monitoring and characterization
B. Müller(1), T. Röckel(3) Drilling and Pore pressure survey
B. Müller(1) Assessment of fault reactivation
S. Ottenburger(7) Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Technology


National Kick-Off Meeting, 14 January 2020
M. Pilz(2) Kurzvorstellung Hintergründe und Ziele für MI-DAM
M. Pilz(2) Ergebnisse von MIDAM
F. Schilling(1) Kurzvorstellung  Hintergründe und Ziele für DAMAST
B. Müller(1), T. Röckel(3) Spannungen, Porendrücke und Fault Reaktivierung: Ansätze und Monitoring
S. Hinz(4), H. Kutterer(5), R. Zorn(6) Deformations-Monitoring bei DAMAST
E. Gaucher(1) Seismic Monitoring at Enguri
M. Kunz(7) Risikobewertung und Risikoreduktion
F. Nestmann(8), A. Kron(9) Sedimentation großer Reservoire & warum der Enguri ein typischer Vertreter ist
S. Hilgert(9) Monitoring und Charakterisierung der Sedimentauflast


DAMAST Project Meeting KIT, 27-29 January 2020
M. Kalabegishvili(10,11), L. Mebonia(10) Presentation of Flushing Plans in 2020 close to bottom outlets
M. Kalabegishvili(10,11), L. Mebonia(10) Ongoing geodetic measurements at the Enguri dam
S. Hilgert(9) Demonstration of First Results
A. Schenk(4), M. Westerhaus(5) Repeated geodetic surveys of a small dam in the Black Forest
A. Schenk(4), M. Westerhaus(5) The planned geodetic/remote sensing concept of DAMAST
A. Schenk(4), M. Westerhaus(5) How can we combine the existing and the new monitoring data/approaches within the DAMAST project?













AGIS Meeting 2019


B. Müller(1), T. Röckel(3)


DAMAST-Dams and Seismicity - Technologies for risk reduction




Client II Meeting 2019


B. Müller(1), F. Schilling(1)


DAMAST Technologien für den sicheren und effizienten Betrieb von Wasserreservoiren





1 KIT Inst. Appl. Geosciences
2 GFZ Potsdam
3 Piewak & Partner
4 KIT Inst. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
5 KIT Geodetic Institute
8 KIT Inst. Water Management
9 KIT Inst. Water & River Basin Management
10 Engurhesi Ltd.
11 TSU
12 TSU Geophysical Institute
14 KIT Geophysical Institute