Project Partners
The project partners are from research institutions in Georgia, Armenia and Germany as well as from geotechnical bureaus.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Institute of Applied Geosciences Division Technical Petrophysics
Participating Institutes and Scientists from KIT:
- Institute for Water and River Basin Management (IWG): Prof. Dr. F. Nestmann (franz nestmann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu, Dr. S. Hilgert (stephan.hilgert∂, Dr. A. Kron (andreas.kron∂
- Geophysical Institute (GPI): Prof. Dr. F. Wenzel, Prof. Dr. A. Rietbrock
- Geodetical Institute (GIK): Dr. Malte Westerhaus (malte.westerhaus∂, Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Kutterer (hansjoerg.kutterer∂;
- Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF): Dr. A. Schenk, Prof. Dr. S. Hinz
- Institute of Applied Geosciences, Geothermal Division (GT): Dr. E. Gaucher, Prof. Dr. T. Kohl
- Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM): Dr. S. Mohr, Prof. Dr. M. Kunz, Dr. Sadeeb Ottenburger (sadeeb.ottenburger∂
National Partners
EIFER European Institute for Energy Research Dr. Roman Zorn (roman.zorn∂ |
Piewak & Partner - Ingenieurbüro für Hydrogeologie und Umweltschutz Dr. Thomas Röckel (thomas.roeckel∂
International Partners
Geophysical Institute of Tbilisi State University Dr. Nino Tsereteli, Dr. George Melikadze, George Melikadze (melikadze∂, Prof. Dr. Tamaz Chelidze, Nino Tsereteli (nino_tsereteli∂, Tamaz Chelidze (tamaz.chelidze∂
European Centre on Geodynamical Hazards of High Dams, Tbilisi Prof. Dr. Tamaz Chelidze (Director), Tamaz Chelidze (tamaz.chelidze∂ |
Georgian Geophysical Association, Tbilisi
GEORISK, Yerevan (Armenia) Dr. Hector Babayan (hektor.babayan∂